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形成外科領域でも手術支援ロボットを用いた手術の報告は見られるようになり,関心が高まっているが,世界的にほかの領域と比べて普及が遅れている 1)。日本でも形成外科領域では,薬事承認を得た手術支援ロボットがなく,保険収載された術式もない。
世界で最も使用されている手術支援ロボットは,米国のIntuitive Surgical社が開発したダビンチサージカルシステムである。日本ではこれに加えて,国産の手術支援ロボットであるhinotori TMサージカルロボットシステム(メディカロイド社),Saroaサージカルシステム(リバーフィールド社)の2つが販売されている。
Although operations using surgical assist robots have been reported in plastic surgery and interest in this field is growing, such robots are less widespread than in other fields worldwide. No surgical assist robots for plastic surgery have yet received regulatory approval in Japan, nor does insurance cover plastic surgery procedures.
The most widely used surgical assist robot in the world is the da Vinci Surgical System, which was developed in the United States. Japan has two domestically produced robots: the hinotori TM Surgical Robot System and the Saroa Surgical System. Both are targeted at gastroenterological surgery, thoracic surgery, urology, gynecology, etc., and are not currently available for plastic surgery, nor is the da Vinci Surgical System. The Robotic Plastic Surgery Committee of the Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is working on various approaches to overcome this situation.
On the other hand, new concepts for surgical assist robots are being developed. Specifically, several projects in Japan are developing microsurgical assist robots, and some are close to commercialization. In addition, the development of automated surgical assist robots is also underway in Japan. As Japanese plastic surgeons are involved in many development projects, plastic surgery is expected to be included in regulatory approvals and insurance coverage regarding these robots in the future.

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