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静脈奇形は脈管奇形の中では最も頻度が多いが,骨内に生じるものはまれである。椎体に発生することが多く,頭蓋・顔面に発生する骨内静脈奇形は特にまれである 1)。以前は“骨血管腫”と呼称されてきたが,昨今はISSVA分類に基づき,“骨内静脈奇形”と呼称されている 2)3)。
Intraosseous venous malformations are rare. Here we describe a case of a 53-year-old woman who presented with a tender, bony-hard lesion beneath the right inferior eyelid. Computed tomography (CT) showed a 1 cm bulging lesion, with bone destruction, involving the right inferior orbital rim. Systemic examination revealed no features of malignant disease, so the lesion was excised en bloc and found to be an intraosseous venous malformation on histopathological examination. The pathognomonic CT finding for intraosseous venous malformations is reactive osteogenesis within osteolytic changes. The lesions bleed easily, so preoperative imaging and an accurate differential diagnosis are essential.

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