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Ancient schwannomaは神経鞘腫の長期経過での変性によるまれな亜型であり 1),時に囊胞変性を来たし,ほかの囊胞性病変や悪性軟部腫瘍との鑑別を要する場合がある。今回われわれは,巨大な囊胞変性を来たした大腿部ancient schwannomaに細菌感染が生じた症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する。
An ancient schwannoma is a rare subtype of schwannoma that is caused by long-term degeneration. It is associated with cystic degeneration and requires differentiation from other cystic lesions and malignant soft-tissue tumors. We describe the case of a 60-year-old male with a femoral ancient schwannoma with massive cystic degeneration and infection. He had had a cystic lesion on his left thigh for several years and was diagnosed with a Baker’s cyst. He was referred to our hospital due to redness and pain in the left lower extremity. We performed debridement after identifying the infection at the same site. Histopathology revealed the characteristics of an ancient schwannoma. Postoperatively, there were no new motor or sensory abnormalities due to neuropathy. We were able to calm the infection and preserve the nerves.

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