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形成外科の外来診療において,頬に触れる腫瘤性病変を主訴として受診する患者は多い。そしてその病変は多岐にわたり,良性腫瘍や悪性腫瘍だけでなく脈管奇形の場合もある。また,病変の局在もさまざまで,皮下脂肪組織内に留まるものから,より深部に存在する軟部組織病変および耳下腺腫瘍なども鑑別疾患として挙げられる。鑑別診断の流れとしては,詳細な問診から視診と触診を行い,さらに,必要に応じて画像検査を行う。画像検査としては,超音波検査,単純X線検査,computed tomography(CT)検査,magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)検査がよく用いられる。
We describe imaging features and findings of typical diseases in the buccal region, e.g., subcutaneous tumors and vascular anomalies. It is important to note that many of these diseases (e.g., epidermoid cysts, calcified epitheliomas, and lipomas) can be definitively diagnosed based on their characteristic imaging findings, while others such as soft-tissue tumors and parotid gland tumors present nonspecific imaging findings. In actual practice, a thorough patient history and physical examination are necessary to select the most appropriate tests and to diagnose patients’ specific diseases. For the differential diagnosis of subcutaneous tumors and vascular anomalies that occur in the buccal region, ultrasonography is often performed first, followed by MRI, with additional CT if necessary. We believe that the selection of appropriate imaging studies and the further development of imaging technology will lead to a higher accuracy of diagnoses of diseases in the buccal region.
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