

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case of squamous cell carcinoma of the ureter diagnosed via ultrasonography-guided needle biopsy Azusa Nishimoto 1 1Department of Diagnostic Radiology Kurashiki Central Hospital Keyword: 尿管 , 扁平上皮癌 , 超音波ガイド下生検 pp.223-227
Published Date 2024/3/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18888/rp.0000002646
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The majority of the epithelial tumor arising from the ureter consists of transitional cell carcinoma, while squamous cell carcinoma is rare. We present a case of squamous cell carcinoma, in which necrosis was prominent on CT. Although the tumor was considered as unresectable because of prominent invasion into the surrounding tissues, the pathologic diagnosis was successfully established via ultrasonography-guided biopsy. Our case suggests that squamous cell carcinoma should be considered in differential diagnosis for the ureteral tumor with prominent necrosis, and the image-guided biopsy is useful for establishing diagnosis of unresectable ureteral tumor.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0009-9252 金原出版


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