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抗ARS(aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase:ARS)抗体は,アミノアシルtRNA合成酵素に対する自己抗体である。多発性筋炎/皮膚筋炎(polymyositis/dermatomyositis:PM/DM)に特異的な抗体とされ,最も高頻度(25~40%)に検出される自己抗体である1)。同酵素に対する抗体陽性例は,筋炎,間質性肺炎,炎症性関節炎やレイノー現象などの症状との関連が強く,抗ARS抗体症候群と呼ばれている。特に陽性例の90%近くで間質性肺炎が認められ,関連が強いとされている2)3)。
We evaluated the initial HRCT about the distribution and characteristics of interstitial lung disease in anti-ARS antibody group(14men, 20women)and PM/DM group(13men, 30women).
In both groups, the majority of the patients have bilateral, lower and dorsal predominant distribution although diffuse distribution is more frequently seen in PM/DM group. Consolidation, traction bronchiectasis, volume loss, affinity to bronchovascular bundles, and no honeycombing are frequently seen in both groups. Interstitial lung disease seen on both antisynthetase syndrome and PM/DM have no obvious differences.

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