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近年,放射線治療技術は日進月歩で発展し,従来の3次元原体照射に代わり,画像誘導放射線治療(image-guided radiotherapy:IGRT)を併用した強度変調放射線治療(intensity-modulated radiotherapy:IMRT)や強度変調回転照射(volumetric-modulated arc therapy:VMAT)が広く臨床応用されている1)2)。IMRTやVMATなどの高精度放射線治療を安全かつ高品質に実施するためには,品質保証(quality assurance:QA)のみならず,施設内におけるチーム医療の構築が特に重要である。そこで,本報告では前立腺癌に対する高精度放射線治療において,医学物理士がどのようにチーム医療の一員としてアプローチできるのか,画像取得から治療計画,治療計画検証,および実際の照射まで,各ワークフローに沿って自施設の具体例を交えながら解説する。
In recent years, high-precision radiotherapy for prostate cancer such as intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT)or volumetric-modulated arc therapy(VMAT)has become widely accepted in clinical practice. Accordingly, medical physicists bring a unique perspective and perform a broad range of clinical works:acceptance testing and commissioning of new equipment, quality assurance of the prescribed doses on patient, development of techniques to improve the delivery of radiation treatments, and development and maintenance of a quality assurance program for all treatment and imaging modalities. In this report, I will refer to the role of medical physicists for the VMAT treatment process for prostate cancer. Particularly, I would like to express the importance of collaboration between “imaging” and “therapy”, and I hope that it will be something that helps readers in their clinical practice.
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