

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Acute Pulmonary Thromboembolism with Chiari Network:Report of a Case Masahide Shichijo 1 , Masanori Takamatsu 1 , Shugo Koga 1 , Kazuhisa Rikitake 1 1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Ureshino Medical Center Keyword: Chiari network , acute pulmonary thromboembolism pp.1020-1023
Published Date 2023/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kyobu76_1020
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A 60-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for dyspnea. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed acute pulmonary artery thromboembolism. An echocardiogram showed a movable structure in the right atrium. Emergency surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The movable structure in the right atrium looked like a Chiari network with a diameter of over 5 cm, and no obvious thrombus was found. The patient had a good postoperative course and was discharged home on postoperative day 17. The Chiari network is a remnant structure of the fetal venous sinus valve, and its diagnosis was important for determining the appropriate treatment plan for this case.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2023


電子版ISSN 2432-9436 印刷版ISSN 0021-5252 南江堂


