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はじめに Calcified amorphous tumor(CAT)はまれな心臓腫瘍であり,血液透析依存末期腎不全との関連が報告されているが1~3),腹膜透析患者におけるCATの報告は限られている.われわれは,腹膜透析患者において6ヵ月間で急速な発育(10 mm)を認めたCATの症例を経験したため報告する.
A calcified amorphous tumor (CAT) is a non-neoplastic cardiac tumor, which has been reported to be associated with hemodialysis dependent end-stage renal disease. We report a case of CAT attached to mitral annular calcification (MAC) in the posterior leaflet annulus of the mitral valve in a 56-year-old man who had been receiving peritoneal dialysis for three years. The CAT grew to 10 mm long in a half year. Peritoneal dialysis dependent end-stage renal disease is associated with MAC. Additionally, MAC-related CAT has been reported growing rapidly. We should perform periodic echocardiography not only for hemodialysis patients but also for peritoneal dialysis patients. When CAT is diagnosed, operation should be performed early to prevent embolism such as cerebral infarction.

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