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はじめに 開心術後に胸骨横切開部の偽関節を呈し,外科的治療を行った症例を経験したので報告する.
Sternal nonunion is an uncommon complication after a sternal wound and some cases have been reported as a complication of open heart surgery. A 28-year-old male suffered from persistent sternal pain. Six years ago, open heart surgery was performed through a partial sternotomy with transverse sternotomy. The sternal nonunion was repaired using 3 sternal wires and 1 absorbable sternal pin. Three years later, the patient experienced recurrence of persistent sternal pain with clicking, because all of the sternal wires had ruptured and the sternal healing was incomplete. The patient was treated with adequate debridement and a technique using metal plates and autogenous bone grafts, which provided excellent pain relief. A transverse sternotomy potentially exposes the patient to the risk of sternal nonunion, which should be treated using autogenous bone grafting.
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