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はじめに 乳頭状線維弾性腫(papillary fibroelastoma:PFE)は心腔内のさまざまな部位に発生する良性腫瘍であり,弁発生が主である.なかでも大動脈弁および僧帽弁での発生が多く,肺動脈弁での発生はまれである.われわれは肺動脈弁に発生したPFEに対し外科的治療を施行したので報告する.
We herein present a rare case of a papillary fibroelastoma on the pulmonary valve. A 66-year-old female underwent a graft replacement of the ascending aorta and an aortic valve replacement. Subsequent biannual checks have been performed as a follow up to surgery. An echocardiography, 3 years post surgery, revealed a growing mass, 13 mm in diameter, which was attached to the pulmonary valve. Upon surgery, the mass, which lacked a stalk, was found attached to the right semilunar cusp of the pulmonary valve. The cusp was resected with the mass in order to ensure a complete resection, and as we were unable to repair the pulmonary valve, it needed to be replaced with a mechanical valve. The pathological examination of the resected mass resulted in our diagnosis of a papillary fibroelastoma. The patient is now doing well 2 years after the surgery without any recurrence of the tumor.
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