

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Narratives of Mothers Present at the Birth of Their Daughter's Baby Shinobu KUMON 1 , Kayoko HAMADA 2 , Nobuko SEKIYA 2 , Kazuyo IKEUCHI 2 1Kochi Red Cross Hospital 2Kochi University Research and Education Faculty Medicine Unit Nursing Sciences Cluster Keyword: 実母 , 立ち会い出産 , ナラティブ , mother , witness childbirth , narratives pp.33-42
Published Date 2019/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7011200081
  • Abstract
  • Reference


To clarify the meaning and process of events experienced by mothers present at the delivery of their daughter's baby and draw implications for providing necessary nursing assistance.

Participants and method

Unstructured interviews were conducted with 11 mothers of women who experienced a vaginal delivery with favorable outcomes for mother and child. These mothers were present at the birth of their daughter's baby. The mothers were asked to describe their experiences during their daughter's childbirth, from finding out about their daughter's pregnancy to the day of the childbirth. Qualitative descriptive analysis was used to examine the content of their narratives.


The narratives allowed us to discover a particular process structure that consists of 12 categories and three stages: "preparation," "support," and "evaluation" for their daughter's childbirth. In the "preparation stage," the mothers developed an [intention to attend the birth] based on their [daughter's mental and physical condition] and their [desire to help the daughter], and while [drawing comparisons between their own and their daughter's pregnancy and childbirth], the mothers made [preparations for securing a good childbirth for their daughters]. In the "support stage" during the birth, while [drawing comparisons between their own and their daughter's pregnancy and childbirth], the mothers maintained their [intention to attend the birth], and while experiencing [emotions that arise upon witnessing the daughter's exertion], the mothers [supported their daughter in her effort] while receiving [support from the nurse, midwives, and the doctor]. In the "evaluation stage" immediately after the birth, through their experiences in the preparation and support stages and by [drawing comparisons between their own and their daughter's pregnancy and childbirth], the mothers [affirmed their daughter's childbirth] and perceived a [strengthening of their own identity as a mother], [their daughter's development as a mother], and a [greater presence of grandchildren].


When comparing the situation of their pregnancy and childbirth to that of their daughters, the participants tended to strengthen their awareness as mothers and grandmothers through the process of preparation, support, and evaluation for a favorable childbirth experience by their daughters. As a suggestion for providing nursing assistance to mothers' attending their daughters' childbirth, it is necessary to consider the mothers' feelings and experiences related to childbirth.

Copyright © 2019, The Japan Maternal and Infant Caring Association All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-8092 印刷版ISSN 1882-2495 日本母子看護学会


