

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Relationship Between The Readiness for Childbirth of Pregnant Women And The Professional Learning Climate of Midwives: At The Midwifery Clinic Sumiko HISHIYA 1 , Junko WATANABE 2 , Noriko ISHIKAWA 3 , Masuko SAITO 4 1Former University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences 2University of Tokyo Health Science 3University of Shizuoka 4Tokyo Healthcare University Keyword: 妊婦 , 出産準備感 , Professional Learning Climate , 助産師外来 , 重回帰分析 , pregnant women , readiness for childbirth of pregnant women , midwifery clinic , multiple regression analysis pp.11-19
Published Date 2019/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7011200079
  • Abstract
  • Reference


The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between the readiness for childbirth of pregnant women and the Professional Learning Climate (PLC) of midwives at the midwifery clinic.

Material and Method

A self-completed questionnaire survey was conducted on pregnant women who were in the 19th to 36th week of gestation and who visited a hospital in Tokyo for a prenatal checkup from February to March 2016. The questions included the readiness for childbirth of pregnant women (Kameda, et al., 2004) and the PLC (Kameda, 2011) of midwives at the midwifery clinic. The statistical analysis was conducted using the Mann-Whitney U test, the Spearman rank-correlation coefficient and the multiple regression analysis.


The questionnaires were distributed to 117 pregnant women who consented to the survey, and 117 completed questionnaires were retrieved (100%). Excluding two women who did not answer the age and occupation, the valid response was received from 115 women (98.3%). Their mean week number in pregnancy was 28.81 (SD 6.23) weeks, and the majority of the women (41.7%) was 30 - 34 years old.

As for the readiness for childbirth, the scale scores for the "Preparation for the information, knowledge and an image about childbirth process" and the "Contact with the facility and/or medical professionals" were significantly lower in nulliparas (U = 460.5, p < .001) than in multiparas (U = 545.0, p = .005). No significant difference was observed between the scale scores for the "Control of lifestyle and mental and physical health" and the total score for the "PLC of midwives".

As for the readiness for childbirth, the scale scores for the "Preparation for the information, knowledge and an image about childbirth process" and the "Contact with the facility and/or medical professionals" showed a significant positive correlation with the total score for the "PLC of midwives" (rs = .186-.396; p < .05) and the week number in pregnancy (rs = .338-.452; p < .001). No significant correlation was observed among the week number in pregnancy, the scale score for the "Control of lifestyle and mental and physical health", and the total score for the "PLC of midwives".

For the multiple regression analysis using the scale scores of the three subscales for the readiness for childbirth as the dependent variable, the total score for the "PLC of midwives", as well as the presence or absence of pregnancy experience and the week number in pregnancy as the adjustment variable, were added to the independent variable. The analysis result showed that the scale score for the "Contact with the facility and/or medical professionals" is higher in those whose scale score for the "PLC of midwives" is higher (β = .171, p < .001, ΔR2 = .246, F = 13.42, p < .001).


It was demonstrated that strengthening the PLC of midwives influences the enhancement of the "Preparation for the information, knowledge and an image about childbirth process" as for the readiness for childbirth of pregnant women, thus suggesting that the communication between pregnant women and the medical professionals about childbirth is promoted if midwives' atmosphere and behavior are improved. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the PLC of midwives who are in charge of the midwifery clinic, and it is also necessary to study how to support them to strengthen their PLC.

Copyright © 2019, The Japan Maternal and Infant Caring Association All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-8092 印刷版ISSN 1882-2495 日本母子看護学会


