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The purpose of this study is to assess nursing care among nurses engaged in the care of the elderly in general hospitals. The subjects of the study were 245 nurses in three general hospitals (279 responses; inactive nurses were excluded, leaving 245 registered nurses who were the subjects of this analysis). Three groups were classified among the nurses: A group with less than 3 years experience, B group with 3 to 10 years experience and C group with more than lOyears experience. The self-administered questionnaire-survey took place from October to December in 1994 and the following results were obtained: (1) Regular Time Given to Bedpan and Dental Care: Significantly higher results were recorded by C than for A and B. (2) Bed Sore Prevention: Care by keeping the skin clean and dry; results were significantly higher among C than A and B. (3) Patients Welfare: Giving the elderly attention and encouraging their family to visit them in order to support their emotional stability; recorded significantly higher with C than B. (4) Social Welfare: Informing the patient and family about welfare procedures was significantly higher among C than A and B. Recommending the offices of a social worker was common to all. (5) Leaving Hospital: Non-acceptance of discharged patients as the worst problem was reported more significantly among C than A and B group. (6) Nurses' Attitude to Care: Most answered that while there were many difficulties these were not serious obstacles. (7) Further Training: C group wants further instruction in the two categories, the quality of life for the elderly and ADL care, and A and B groups want instruction in many kinds of categories. The results of this questionnaire show that group C (more than 10 years experience) proves that nursing skills are higher with experienced professionals. The necessity to train nurses to be specialists in the many aspects of nursing the elderly, e.g., management, law, coordination, as teaching-staff ,etc. is readily observable from the questionnaire answers.
Copyright © 1996, Japan Academy of Gerontological Nursing All rights reserved.