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要旨:本研究では,専門職が経験する信念対立の経時的変化を測定する等化尺度(Assessment of Belief Conflict for Profession;以下,ABCP)を開発した.先行研究のインタビューデータからABCPの仮尺度Aと仮尺度Bを作成し,作業療法士を対象に調査を実施した.454名のデータで仮尺度Aと仮尺度Bの妥当性と信頼性を検討し,良好な結果を示した項目で尺度を等化した.開発した2つの尺度は共に,信念対立という1つの因子を計10項目で測定し,概ね同等の尺度特性を備えることが確認できた.ABCPは専門職の信念対立の一般化された重症値を推定し,信念対立の状態を経時的に測定できると考えられた.
In this study, we developed an equalization measure for change over time in belief conflict for health care professions. Assessment of Belief Conflict for Profession (ABCP) prototype measures A and B were first created from the interview data of a previous study. A survey of occupational therapists (OTs) was conducted using measures A and B. Data from 454 OTs were used to examine the validity and reliability of the measures. The two measures were then equalized by items that confirmed the validity and reliability. The two equalization measures consisted of one factor for belief conflict in each of the 10 items. The equalization measures of difficulty and scale properties were roughly comparable. ABCP was able to estimate the severity value of belief conflict. The results suggest that ABCP is able to measure change in belief conflict over time.

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