

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Understanding of Search for Meaning of Experience of Cancer in the Elderly with Cancer Yoko Nakamura 1 1Japanese Red Cross Hokkaido College of Nursing Keyword: 高齢者 , 化学療法 , 意味づけ , elderly people , chemotherapy , meaning pp.27-35
Published Date 2002/12/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200192
  • Abstract
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 This study is to explore the meanings assigned to the experience of receiving chemotherapy. Data based on the former study, "Qualitative Study on Physical, Psychological Influence of Chemotherapy in the Elderly with Cancer", and the method used was a grounded theory approach. In the findings, dimension Ⅰ to dimension Ⅲ were discovered throughout the experience of chemotherepy, "self identity", "self destruction", "self regenaration". These three dimensions interacted each other and were an integral part of their experience. Dimension Ⅰ was a period, from pre-chemotherapy to the 2nd. Chemo., identified with "self inconsistency", which represented the intrapersonal dimension. Dimension Ⅱ was a period after the 2nd. chemo., referred to as "self destruction", which represented interpersonal dimension, and was in confusion by ditress resulting from chemotherapy. Dimension Ⅲ was a period after the 4th. chemo, indicated "self regenaration", and established the life scheme. The existential meanings were present throughout the treatment, whereas the situational meanings were highlighted at the beginning to the 3rd. period of the treatment and became less important as the treatment progressed.

Copyright © 2002, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


