

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Self-Management of Exercise Therapy and Related Factors in Elderly Diabetic Patients Living Alone Naoko Yamagishi 1 , Towako Katsuno 2 1Saitama Prefectural University 2Reiwa Health Sciences University Keyword: 糖尿病患者 , 高齢者 , 独居 , 運動療法 , 自己管理 , people with diabetes , elderly people , living alone , exercise therapy , self-management pp.11-24
Published Date 2023/12/30
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Purpose: This study aimed to 1)determine the current scenario of exercise therapy self-management in elderly diabetic patients living alone and its influencing factors, and 2)offer suggestions regarding nursing interventions for effective self-management of exercise therapy.

 Method: The participants were 16 type 2 diabetic outpatients, aged 70 years or older, living alone. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for data collection and qualitative data analyses were performed.

 Results: The self-management approaches were classified as "Low," "Moderate," and "High." The 8 main factors associated with self-management extracted were social support, sense of isolation, life enjoyment, decline in physical function, awareness of the necessity of self-management, integration of self-management into their lives, feelings of burden, and results of self-management, which were all related to each other. Among them, life enjoyment was a major factor because exercise itself led to life enjoyment and life enjoyment influenced self-management efforts.

 Conclusion: Considering the factors related to the self-management of exercise therapy in elderly diabetic patients living alone, it is important to provide support that enables them to enjoy exercise so that they can maintain enjoyment in their lives and interaction with others is promoted to reduce their sense of isolation.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2432-3713 印刷版ISSN 1342-8497 日本糖尿病教育・看護学会


