

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Literature review on expanding the functions and roles of designated evacuation centers: Focusing on support activities for evacuees outside of shelters from shelters as a place for evacuation life Takae Sekiguchi 1 , Misako Miyazaki 2 , Naho Sato 2 Keyword: 指定避難所 , 避難所運営 , 避難所外避難者支援 , designated evacuation centers , evacuation center management , support for evacuees outside of shelters pp.59-70
Published Date 2024/5/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200609
  • Abstract
  • Reference


Purpose: Activities in designated evacuation centers in the event of disasters include the provision of a place for evacuation life and support activities for evacuees who live their evacuation lives in places other than evacuation centers (henceforth, "evacuees outside of shelters"). This study clarifies the contents of these support activities from the perspective of the expanded and developed functions and roles of designated evacuation centers based on the Japanese literature. It provides suggestions for the future management of evacuation centers.

Methods: Among the literature extracted from J-STAGE using search terms including "evacuation center management," "community," "lifestyle," and "recovery," we selected literature that describes the support activities of designated evacuation centers for evacuees outside of shelters. We analyzed these activities' contents qualitatively and inductively.

Results: We classified the support activities into 15 categories, seven themes, and ultimately, two themes— "function and role as a community disaster response base," and "function and role as a community lifestyle recovery base."

Conclusion: Future evacuation center management is expected to not only provide a place for evacuees to live during a disaster, but also to prevent the deterioration of the quality of evacuation life in the community, including those who evacuated outside the evacuation centers, and protect their lives and health by fulfilling these functions and roles.

Copyright © 2024, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


