

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Psychosomatic symptoms in young children as perceived by guardians, and the relationship between these symptoms and PTSD-related symptoms in guardians at 7-9 months after the Great East Japan Earthquake Chikako Mikami 1 , Akimi Endo 1 , Maki Oike 2 Keyword: 幼児 , 心身症状 , 保護者 , PTSD関連症状 , young children , psychosomatic symptoms , guardians , PTSD-related symptoms pp.71-82
Published Date 2024/5/31
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200610
  • Abstract
  • Reference


Purpose: This study aimed to clarify the psychosomatic symptoms in young children as perceived by guardians in disaster areas in A prefecture at 7-9 months after the Great East Japan Earthquake, clarify the relationship between psychosomatic symptoms in young children and PTSD-related symptoms in guardians, and propose supportive measures for psychiatric disorders in young children.

Methods: We conducted an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire survey of guardians of young children in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake in A prefecture.

Results: Psychosomatic symptoms exhibited by young children in the affected areas during the chronic phase after the disaster were found in all 29 items investigated. In 27 items, there was an association between psychosomatic symptoms in young children and PTSD-related symptoms in their guardians, and the effect sizes were small to moderate.

Conclusion: The findings suggest the need for the following support measures for young children and their guardians after a disaster. The psychosomatic symptoms of young children after a disaster should be viewed longitudinally, and the physical symptoms commonly seen in young children may indicate worsening psychosomatic symptoms.

Copyright © 2024, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


