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Objective: This study was aimed to explore the impact of an earthquake on lives based on the narratives of child survivors of the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
Methods: Narrative interviews were conducted with adult survivors in the Hanshin area, Hyogo prefecture. At the time of the earthquake, the participants had been school-going age and they did not receive any medical intervention following the disaster. Interview transcripts were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach.
Results: The three participants grew up with a reserved attitude towards talking to other people about their disaster experience, because they cared about other survivors' pain of loss, but they had been living with fears and were preparing for a possible future earthquake. They also found positive meaning in the disaster experience during the 20 years following the disaster and were trying to practice their roles as adults with disaster experience.
Discussion: This study suggests that disaster experiences affect child survivors' willingness to be helpful people because all participants commonly experienced a role transition from being supported to supporting others and establishing an own identity as a child survivor through interaction with other survivors during the 20 years.
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