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【目 的】
【方 法】
「Academic Search premier」「CINAHL Complete」「MEDLINE Complete」を用いて「Disaster」「Bereaved」「Family」「Nurse」「Grief」で検索した結果、遺族の特徴として14文献、看護介入として8文献が対象とし、質的帰納的分析の手法を用いて分析を行った。
【結 果】
This study was aimed to identify the characteristics of families who had experienced bereavement due to natural disasters as well as the nursing interventions provided to these families by reviewing literature from outside of Japan, to suggest recommendations to provide care to such families through disaster nursing. We searched the databases of “Academic Search Premier,” “CINAHL Complete,” and “MEDLINE Complete,” for the words, “Disaster,” “Bereaved,” “Family,” “Nurse,” and “Grief.” We applied a qualitative inductive analysis method and studied fourteen documents to identify the characteristics of bereaved families, and eight documents to identify the nursing interventions. The following characteristics of bereaved families were identified: stress and coping behavior, family function, impact on family members who may require assistance during a disaster, psychological issues and care, and faith and values. In addition, the following were identified as commonly provided nursing interventions for bereaved families: interventions focusing on the individual, those focusing on psychological aspects and recognition of the family, those supporting the family through the local community by focusing on that community, and those that are conscious of the disaster cycle. Many bereaved families typically experienced complex feelings of grief over an extended period of time, and the rationale underlying coping behavior for stress in family members showed individual variations. It is also important for nursing interventions to consider the requirements of the individual, family, local community, and the disaster cycle. Nursing interventions should take the family identity and individual characteristics into consideration and utilize the resilience of families to provide continuous support with a long-term perspective. The interventions should also begin immediately after the natural disasters occurred.
Copyright © 2019, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.