

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Report on the preliminary survey of the North Kyushu flood disaster : the flood in the wide area of Kumamoto Akiko Sakai 1 , Takako Urushizaki 1 , Kazumi Sato pp.74-78
Published Date 2013/2/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200059
  • Abstract
  • Cited by


 From 11th to 14th of July,due to the wet air flew into the seasonal rain front which had been lingered over Honshu from south,it rained heavily in the North Kyushu district and caused the disaster. And also,the heavy rain in the morning on 12th caused many landslides in the area near Sakanashi.

 The society of Japan Disaster Nursing cooperated with some hospitals in Kumamoto,the health and welfare department of the Kumamoto prefectural office and the society of Nursing in Kumamoto,and investigated the situation of the damages,the victims’experiences

of the disaster,the victims’needs for health care,the significance of nursing and the situation of external supports.

Copyright © 2013, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


