

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: To clarify barriers to nurses' research utilization and determine factors that can be influenced through educational support.

 Method: A total of 860 nurses were the study participants, consisting of hospital nurses and certified nurse specialists working in medical and welfare institutions. A questionnaire survey was conducted with participants. A multiple regression analysis was then performed with barriers to research utilization as the dependent variable and attitudes to nursing research, professional practice skills, and experience with nursing research as independent variables.

 Result: Questionnaire responses from 295 participants were analyzed. The factor with the highest barrier was "organizational support for research utilization". Multiple regression analysis revealed that nurses with positive attitudes to nursing research, highly professional practice skills, and experience in teaching nursing research experienced fewer barriers. There was no difference in the goodness of fit of the regression equations between Model 1, which included all variables, and Model 2, which included variables that can be influenced through educational support.

 Conclusions: Barriers to research utilization could be explained by variables that can be influenced through educational support. Attitude toward nursing research, professional practice skills, and experience in teaching nursing research were shown as influencing factors.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


