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米国においては,1900年代より,保健医療施設が施設内教育(in-service education)註)として看護継続教育プログラムを提供していた(Stein,1998)。また,1920年代には,米国看護師協会,全国看護教育連盟などの職能団体,看護系大学などが施設外教育(authorized or recognized courses)註)としての看護継続教育に着手し,1930年代以降,連邦政府・州政府は看護継続教育への財政的支援,継続教育制度の法制化を開始した(Cooper & Hornback,1973;Stein,1998)。1975年には,米国看護師協会が「継続教育の基準」(Standards for Continuing Education in Nursing)を提示し(ANA,1975),継続教育の体系化が進展するとともに,例年多くの看護継続教育に関する研究成果が公表され,その発展に対する研究的取り組みも顕著である。
The purpose of this research was to explore the direction for the further researches by revealing trends and issues of researches focused on continuing educalion of nursing education. Data were collected from five main Japanese nursing journals of academic societies in 1994-1998. Using qualitative and inductive methods, contents of each research were coded and categorized based on the similarity of the code. One thousands three hundreds and seven research papers were found, and eighty-four of them (6.4%) focused on continuing education in nursing. Contents of each research were classified into the following three areas:〈1. education by hospital and health care institution that nurses were employed〉. 〈2. education by institution for continuing education in nursing〉. 〈3. activity and support for self-learning〉. The results suggest 4 directions for further research [1. clarifying whole of continuing education through the national survey]. [2. developing scales which can be applied to survey research, evaluation research. and need assessment of continuing education, and which tested reliability and validity]. [3. developing self-evaluation scale, setting goal or level, and developing evaluation system for supporting self-evaluation activity]. [4. identifying educational function and role among nurses].

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