

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Study on Lower Back Pain Prevention Measures of Nurses: For Nurses With No Previous History of Lower Back Problems Yayoi Yanagimori 1 , Noriko Okamura 2 1Niigata School of Nursing National Hospital Organization Niigata National Hospital 2Niigata College of Nursing Keyword: 看護師 , 腰痛 , 予防対策 , nurses , lower back pain , prevention measures pp.698-708
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Purpose: To elucidate the preventive measures for lower back pain (LBP) that nurses without LBP take on a daily basis, and to obtain suggestions for preventive measures necessary to continue to practice nursing without LBP.

 Method: We conducted a questionnaire survey of nurses who work in hospitals nationwide and do not have LBP, and using the qualitative analysis in nursing education based on Berelson's content analysis method.

 Results: 25 categories were formed, including "engage in physical activity" and "use knowledge of body mechanics when assisting or examining patients with back and lower back strain or when carrying heavy weights," which represent the preventive measures for LBP that nurses without LBP take on a daily basis. The matching rate of classification into categories by W. A. Scott's formula was 90% or more, indicating that the categories ensured reliability.

 Conclusion: There are 25 types of LBP prevention measures that nurses without LBP take on a daily basis. It was also revealed that they had 6 characteristics.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


