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方法:病院に勤務する女性看護師118名に,基本的属性,腰痛・肩こりの程度(0〜10点のNumerical Rating Scale;NRS),WFC尺度日本語版,新職業性ストレス簡易調査票を用いて調査した.分析では,腰痛・肩こりのNRS得点7点以上を高度群,7点未満を非高度群として2群に分け,単変量解析で有意となった項目を説明変数,腰痛または肩こりの程度を目的変数として多重ロジスティック回帰分析を実施した.
Aim: This study examines the association of work-family conflict (WFC) and job stress with back pain and neck and shoulder pain (katakori) among female nurses working in a hospital.
Method: We surveyed 118 female nurses working in the hospital considering their demographic characteristics, level of back pain and katakori, and their scores on the Japanese version of the WFC scale and the new brief job stress questionnaire. They were also asked to rate their back pain or katakori on a 0-10 point Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). For the analysis, participants were first divided into two groups: a high-level group with an NRS score of 7 or more points for back pain and katakori and a non-high-level group with an NRS score of fewer than 7 points. Next, multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted using the items that were significant in the univariate analysis as explanatory variables and the level of back pain or katakori as objective variables.
Results: Back pain was independently and significantly associated with “time-based work interference with family (WIF)” (OR: 1.26, 95% CI: 1.00-1.58, p = .047) and “role clarity” (OR: 3.94, 95% CI: 1.28-12.14, p = .017). Katakori was independently and significantly associated with “time-based WIF” (OR: 1.30, 95% CI: 1.07-1.59, p = .009).
Conclusions: The results suggest that WFC measures by both individuals and employers and the establishment of a workplace support system in which individuals are not overly responsible are important in addressing back pain and katakori among female nurses.
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