

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Conceptual Analysis of Capability in Health Sciences Ryo Hayashi 1 , Miyuki Nishida 1 1Juntendo University Faculty of Health Science and Nursing Keyword: ケイパビリティ , 概念分析 , 意思決定支援 , capability , concept analysis , decision support pp.850-856
Published Date 2021/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: This research aimed to differentiate and redefine the concept of capability in health science by reviewing the literature on capability in healthcare.

 Methods: By using the method of concept analysis described by Rodgers, a total of 30 literature references were assessed.

 Results: We extracted [achievable health functionings based on available opportunities], [ability to select health functionings according to values], and [ability to utilize opportunities to achieve functionings] as attributes. [Social resources related to health choices], [individual characteristics], and [health status and impact on life] were extracted as antecedents. As consequences, we extracted [improvement of QOL by achieving desired health condition], [enrichment of life], and [health based on one's own value standard]. Capability in health science is available and can be achieved. From the achievable health functionings, the ability to select and achieve a desired health condition on the basis of one's own value standard was defined.

 Conclusion: Concept analysis showed that capability in health science is the ability to select and achieve health status according to one's own value standards on the basis of the available opportunities and functionings that may be achieved. Additionally, our results suggested that capability is also a valid concept in nursing science, in terms of health professionals' understanding of the effects of diseases and disorders on patient functionings, as well as in terms of health professionals' support for patients in making decisions on the basis of that understanding.

Copyright © 2021, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


