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対象者は当院(満床110床)で3年以上の勤務歴のある看護婦で精神的健康状態を追跡調査のできた40名(25-57歳)である.精神的健康状態は質問紙法GHQ (General Health Questionnaire)60項目を用い自己評価してもらった.
初年度,2年後のGHQ全得点の相関はy=0.78x+4.75, r=0.744, p=0.0001と非常によい再現性が認められた.初年度,2年後のGHQ全得点および4因子(身体的症状,不安と不眠,社会的活動障害,うつ状態)の比較では各部署ともに有意の変化はみられなかった.また,初年度のGHQ全得点の平均では有意差が認められなかったものの,2年後のGHQ全得点の平均の比較では,外科系勤務看護婦では,内科系及び老人病棟勤務看護婦よりも有意に得点が高かった(p<0.05).さらに,外科系勤務看護婦では,内科系及び老人病棟勤務看護婦よりも初年度の社会的活動障害,2年後の不安と不眠,社会的活動障害,うつ状態が有意に得点が高かった(p<0.05).
The mental health of nurses was examined 2 years follow-up using the Japanese version of the 60-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). A total of 40 nurses in our hospital responded to the GHQ. There was a significant correlation between the GHQ scores of the first year and two years later in all nurses (p=0.0001). There were no changes of GHQ score in two years in all nurses. However, nurses who worked on surgical ward had significantly higher scores than those who worked in internal medicine and those assigned to the elderly medicine ward in two years later GHQ score, especially anxiety and sleep disturbance, social dysfunction, and depression (p<0.05). In the percentage of scores over 17 was no significant difference in three wards and also in the percentage of symptomatic subjects was no significant difference in three wards. Our results suggest that the mental health of nurses who worked on surgical ward might suffer more than that of those who worked in internal medicine and those assigned to the elderly medicine and we must find methods developed to improve it.
Copyright © 1997, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.