

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Mother's Internal Working Models and Perinatal Attachment Noriko Ohmura 1 , Yasuko Yamatogi 2 , Manami Matsubara 2 1Shimane Medical University School of Nursing 2Okayama Prefectural University Faculty of Health and Welfare Sciences Keyword: 胎児への愛着 , 乳児への愛着 , 愛着体験 , 内的ワーキングモデル , prenatal attachment , postnatal attachment , attachment experience , internal working models pp.71-79
Published Date 2001/12/15
  • Abstract
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 The aim of this study was to investigate the features of perinatal attachment according to each type of internal working models, for determine whether a relation exists between the mother's internal working models (IWMs) and perinatal attachment by using the Muller's attachment model.

 A prospective study was performed with data collected during the third trimester of pregnancy and 1 month after delivery, and the following results were obtained.

1) There was a modest correlation between prenatal and postnatal attachment.

2) Mother's internal working models are classified into 3 types: Secure, Ambivalent and Avoidant. The prenatal attachment score of the secure type mother was significantly higher.

3) In the secure type mother, there was a strong correlation between prenatal and postnatal attachment. In ambivalent and avoidant type mothers, the correlation between prenatal and postnatal attachment was week.

 The results demonstrated a relation between the mother's internal working models and perinatal attachment in Mu"ller's model. IWMs is one of the key concepts in assessing the subject of inter-generational transmission of attachment, IWMs must be considered not only postnatally but in the prenatal period as well.

Copyright © 2001, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


