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要旨:地域在住高齢者6名に,作業の記録と対話を中心とした介護予防教室を実施した.その結果,参加者全員の高齢者向け生きがい感スケールと社会活動に関連する過ごし方満足度尺度の得点が向上した.また握力と30-seconds chair-stand testにおいても向上傾向がみられた.参加者の一人は,畑仕事,吊るし柿づくり,墓参りなど,多様な作業経験について記録・対話した.そして本事例は作業の計画や目標を持つ重要性に気づき,作業遂行が高まったと感じていた.これらのことから,作業についての記録と対話は,作業に対する気づきを促し,作業遂行を高め,生きがいや社会活動満足度,運動機能を向上させる可能性がある.
A health-promotion program centered on occupational records and dialogue was conducted for six community-dwelling elderly. Upon conclusion of the program, all participants' scores on the K-I Scale for the Feeling that Life is Worth Living and the Social Activities-Related Daily Life Satisfaction Scale were higher than before. Grip strength and 30-seconds chair-stand test scores also tended to be higher than before. One of the participants recorded and talked about diverse occupational experiences, such as working in the field, making dried persimmons, and visiting the cemetery. The participant also noticed the importance of having occupational plans and goals and felt that her occupational performance had improved. These results suggest that occupational records and dialogue may promote awareness of occupation, enhance occupational performance, and improve satisfaction with social participation, sense of life purpose, and motor functions.

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