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要旨:コミュニケーションタイプ分類を利用して臨床実習指導を行い,実習生の気分および実習満足度が変化するかを検証した.対象は臨床実習を行った22名を対象とし,本ツールを使用して指導を行った.効果判定にはMood Inventory(MI)とVisual Analog Scale(VAS)を用いて評価した.評価ポイントは,開始・中間・最終時の3ポイントで計測した.結果はMIについては評価ポイントで有意差を認めず得点の変化はなかった.VASにおいては,評価ポイント間で有意な向上を認め,特に最終時に得点の向上を認めた.本ツールを使用することは臨床実習を良好に進めるうえでの一助となる可能性を示唆した.
When providing clinical training guidance, it is necessary to have knowledge that includes teaching methods. However, many OTs lack sufficient experience and thus feel anxious. Hence, in this study, clinical training guidance using communication classifications (types) was conducted to ascertain the characteristics of students to whom guidance was being provided, and later, an investigation into whether this was effective in changing their degree of satisfaction and mood. The subjects were 22 students undergoing clinical training at this hospital. Effectiveness was measured by degree of satisfaction using the visual analog scale (VAS), and mood assessments were performed using the mood inventory scale (MI). Assessments were conducted at the start, during, and at the end of the training. The MI results indicated no significant differences, and the scores were maintained. The VAS results showed significant differences between the assessment points, especially at the final stage. This means that as the training progressed, the students were able to participate in a good psychological state, which suggests that the use of types is helpful in clinical training.

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