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要旨:今回,作業療法のクリニカルリーズニングの自己評価尺度(Self Assessment scale of Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy;以下,SA-CROT)の妥当性と信頼性を検討した.作業療法学生135名と作業療法士138名を対象にRaschモデル分析,確認的因子分析,仮説検証,信頼性を検討した.結果,SA-CROTの14項目と5つの評定段階がRaschモデルに適合し,確認的因子分析で4因子モデルが適合した.また,仮説検証で予測した結果が得られ,尺度の妥当性が確認された.再検査信頼性と内的一貫性で基準値を満たし,尺度の信頼性が確認された.
This study examined the validity and reliability of the self-assessment scale of clinical reasoning in occupational therapy (SA-CROT). We conducted Rasch model analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, hypothesis testing, and examination of reliability with 135 occupational therapy students and 138 occupational therapists in Japan. The results showed that the 14 items and five rating stages of the SA-CROT fit the Rasch model, and the 4-factor model fit the confirmatory factor analysis. Hypothesis testing showed that the predicted results were obtained, thus confirming the validity of SA-CROT. In addition, test-retest reliability and internal consistency met the criterion values, confirming the reliability of SA-CROT.

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