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要旨:精神科入院患者の主観的体験を評価する入院生活チェックリスト(Inventory Scale of Daily Activities for Sub-acute In-patients:ISDA)の因子構造を整理し,信頼性と妥当性を検討した.494例の患者データを因子分析した結果,ISDAの26の評価項目は,「作業遂行」,「現実感」,「食事」,「睡眠」,「整容」の5因子19項目に整理され,Cronbachのα係数は0.73~0.92といずれも高値であった.また,作業療法の開始時と退院時のスコア比較を行った結果,各疾患群ともに有意なスコア増加が認められ,精神科入院患者の早期回復状態を評価するISDAの信頼性と妥当性が確認された.
The authors developed an Inventory Scale of Daily Activities for Sub-acute In-patients (ISDA) to assess the subjective experiences of patients with mental disabilities in the early recovery stage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the factor structure, and investigate the reliability and validity of the ISDA.
The participants of this study were 494 psychiatric in-patients in the early recovery stage. Factor analysis suggested five main factors: Occupational performance (Factor 1), Sense of reality (Factor 2), Meals (Factor 3), Sleeping (Factor 4) and Self-care (Factor 5). Moreover, items including Non-wakefulness, Use of sleeping pills, Sense of satiety, Eating snacks, and Food tasting were removed because of a low level of factor loadings. Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the 5 subscales were high (0.73-0.92), and the ISDA score of the in-patients increased significantly after occupational therapy. These results show the reliability and validity of the ISDA as an assessment scale for psychiatric in-patients in the early recovery stage.

Copyright © 2011, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.