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要旨:本研究の目的は,終末期がん患者の作業療法(OT)にて,他職種と協業する作業療法士(OTR)のクリニカルリーズニングを明らかにすることであった.方法は,当該領域のOTRを対象に半構造化面接を行った.作成した遂語録についてKH coderを用い,共起ネットワーク等の分析を行った.結果,看護師や他職種に理学療法とOTの違いを伝え,分からないことは聞く,医師にリハビリテーション場面をイメージしてもらい,OTの処方を促す,他職種とカンファレンスや病棟で直接会って,話す,ADL状況やゴールを共有する,患者の個性に応じた役割を果たす等が抽出された.上記はOTRの行動指針となり,他職種とスムーズな連携につながると考える.
This study aimed to clarify the clinical reasoning of occupational therapists (OTRs) who collaborate with other occupations to provide occupational therapy (OT) to terminal cancer patients. Semi-structured interviews with OTRs assisting terminal cancer patients were conducted. We analyzed the co-occurrence network using KH coder, and extracted the following: communicate the difference between physical therapy and OT to nurses and other occupations and inquire about anything they do not understand; get physicians to imagine rehabilitation situations and encourage them to prescribe OT; meet and speak directly with other occupations at conferences and wards; share patients' ADL situations and goals; and play roles according to the patient's individuality. We believe that the above will serve as an action guideline for OTRs and facilitate collaboration with other occupations.

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