

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A report on progress of trainings and obtained activities about electronic prosthesis fitting for the congenital limbs deficient child Fukuyo Honda 1 , Shuichi Kakurai 2 , Masami Akai 1 , Eiji Tazawa 3 , Katsutoshi Itsukaichi 1 1Central Rehabilitation Service,University of Tokyo Hospital 2School of Allied Health Sciences,Kitasato University 3Tazawa MFG,Co. Keyword: (先天性奇形) , (電動義手) , 書字動作 , (アンケート) , Congenital malformation , Electronic prosthesis , Writing activity , Questionnaire pp.478-487
Published Date 1999/12/15
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 We examined the custom-made electronic upper-limb prosthesis for a congenital limbs deficient child, who had suffered from bilateral amelia and bilateral proximal femoral focal deficiency (PFFD) (left side- tibial hemimelia, right side- phocomelia). She was expected to have scoliosis, pain and ROM limitation of her hip joint in the near future. She developed writing activity by using a leftside electronic prosthesis with inpatient-intensive training for 2 weeks. On the questionnaire after training, she and her mother weren't satisfied with this electronic prosthesis. Consequently, it was cleared that she and her mother would be satisfied, if the electronic prosthesis could be used multiply. Therfore, we have hoped to reduce it's weight, and to improve her physical strength, to create the new systems.

Copyright © 1999, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


