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要旨:脳卒中患者183名を対象として,発症からの期間別における認知行動観察評価表(Cognitive Behavioral Rating Scale;以下,CBRS)とMini-Mental State Examination(以下,MMSE)との関連を分析した.CBRSを独立変数,MMSEを従属変数とした単回帰分析の結果,対象者全体の決定係数はR2=0.53(p<0.001)であった.発症から30日以内群の決定係数はR2=0.49(p<0.001),発症から31日以上群の決定係数はR2=0.54(p<0.001)であった.CBRSは,発症から30日以内の場合より,発症から31日以上経過した方が,高い精度でMMSEを予測できる可能性が示唆された.
We analyzed the relationship between the Cognitive Behavioral Rating Scale (CBRS) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in a group of 183 stroke patients in different clinical stages. A single regression analysis using the MMSE as a dependent variable and the CBRS as an independent variable were performed. For all patients, the coefficient of determination R2 was 0.53 (p<0.001). The coefficient of determination R2 of patients whose duration after onset was less than 30 days was 0.49 (p<0.001). On the other hand, the coefficient of determination R2 of patients whose duration after onset was more than 31 days was 0.54 (p<0.001). These results suggest that the CBRS has higher accuracy if applied to the patients whose duration after onset is greater than 31 days than if applied to less than 30 days since their onset.

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