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要旨:統合失調症の認知機能障害に対しCognitive Remediation Therapy(CRT)の効果が報告されている.さらに介入効果を社会生活能力へ般化する上で発散的思考の影響が注目されている.今回,CRTのVCAT-Jを実施したところ,認知機能の改善に伴い発散的思考の質が高まり,日常生活での行動変容を認めた事例を経験した.介入初期はゲーム課題への取り組みだけであったが,中期以降はゲーム課題から自身の記憶の苦手さを自覚し,工夫する様子が見られ,ブリッジングのグループワークで意見交換が多くなった.介入経過と介入前後の評価尺度スコア変化などから,CRTの介入効果として,認知機能の改善,発散的思考,日常生活の行動変容を認める可能性が示唆された.
This case study reports the effect of Cognitive Remediation Therapy (CRT) on cognitive functional disorder resulting from schizophrenia. Furthermore, the influence of divergent thinking on the generalization of the effects of interventions on daily life activities has been noted. As a result of conducting VCAT-J of CRT in this study, improvement of neurocognitive function, and divergent thought increased;furthermore, daily live experiences changed. Although the results were displayed only when the patient engaged with the game task during the early intervention stage, the patient eventually started to become aware of his own weak points and took necessary measures to improve from the middle stage onward. Furthermore, it was observed that the patient exchanged opinions more frequently during the bridging group work activity. After the intervention, working memory remarkably improved and fixations present prior to intervention decreased. These results suggest CRT may contribute to generalization of cognitive function and divergent thinking in daily life activities.

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