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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a behavioral approach to teach a person with unilateral neglect (USN) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) to put on pants. A male in his forties with severe left-side motor paralysis who volunteered for the study had USN and ADD, and required lower-body dressing assistance due to overlooking his left-side and stopping his movement frequently. The A-B treatment single subject experimental design was used, which utilizes a behavioral approach consisting of prompting, positive reinforcement and goal planning. During the intervention phase (B), the patient received the behavioral approach in putting on pants which included 14 components. We gave him 3 prompts: indirect verbal instructions, direct verbal instructions and assistance. When he could perform each action of a given component, verbal reinforcement was provided. The goal was “to be able to put on pants by himself”. As a measurement, we counted components which he could achieve without any prompts. In order to assess differences between the A and B phases, a 2SD band method was used. During the baseline phase (A), he could achieve only 4-6 component actions by himself. During the intervention phase (B), he could achieve 9-11. The change in performance was significant, as three of the intervention scores were outside the 2SD band. The treatment produced improvement in his ability. Prompting, reinforcement and goal planning made the task clear to the subject, thus improving the ADL in cognitive dysfunction.
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