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要旨:本研究では,「作業療法学生の臨床実習適応能力の自己評価尺度案」の内容的妥当性と表面的妥当性を検討し,暫定版尺度を作成する目的で,臨床実習を終えた作業療法学生を対象にnominal group techniqueを実施した.その結果,中央値と四分位数範囲から内容的妥当性が確認された39項目と,表面的妥当性確保のために文言修正を加えた5項目を含む44項目が尺度項目として採用された.特に「自分との関わりが対象者にどのような影響を与えるかわかる」ことと,「指導者の対象者に対する関わり方がわかる」ことが,実習期間の異なる集団間でも一貫して,尺度項目として適切と判断された.
In this study, we investigated the content validity and the face validity of the “Self-assessment scale of adjustability related to practical placement for occupational therapy students” using the nominal group technique. As a result, a total of 44 items, including 39 that were finally validated for content validity by median and interquartile range, and 5 that underwent revisions in wording to secure face validity, were adopted by the “Self-assessment scale of adjustability related to practical placement for occupational therapy students (tentative edition).” This study confirmed that the following items made every student feel his/her adjustability to be validated: “I understand the effect that I have on subjects”, and “I understand the relationship between supervisor and subjects”.

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