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要旨:本研究の目的は,高齢者を対象とした包括的環境要因調査票の開発に関する予備的研究として,籔脇らが文献研究より抽出した環境要因16項目の妥当性を検討することである.対象は通所リハビリテーションを利用している高齢者14名とし,東京都在住の7名と中国地方在住の7名の2グループに対して,質的手法であるnominal group techniqueを実施し,各環境要因の必要性に関する対象者間の合意の有無を判断した.その結果,環境要因16項目中12項目で在宅高齢者の生活満足感に影響するという高い内容的妥当性が確認された.また,5項目で質問文としての表面的妥当性を確保するために文言の修正が必要であった.
The aim of this study was to examine the validity of 16 environmental factors extracted from the literature on environments for the elderly (Yabuwaki et al.), as a pilot study for the development of a comprehensive environmental questionnaire.
Participants included 14 elderly persons who actively used day care services. The nominal group technique (NGT), a type of qualitative approach, was used in a group of 7 elderly living in a metropolitan area, and in another group of 7 elderly living in a provincial area. The participants discussed the 16 environmental factors using the NGT and assessed whether these items would be required for them to be satisfied with their day-to-day lives.
Analysis of the participants' responses showed that 12 of the 16 environmental factors were necessary for satisfied daily living in the community-living elderly, indicative of high content validity. Five environmental factors had to be modified in order to improve their face validity as questions.

Copyright © 2007, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.