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要旨:国内外の研究から休日リハビリテーション(以下,休日リハ)の実施状況や効果を調査し,傾向と課題を明らかにすることを目的とした.PubMedおよび医学中央雑誌より20件の調査が抽出できた.調査的研究では休日リハ実施施設が増加傾向だがマンパワー不足の問題が明らかになった.実験的研究では入院期間(length of stay;以下,LOS)を調査した報告が多く,休日リハにより全体のLOSが短縮した報告は3件,サブグループで短縮した報告は3件,短縮が認められない報告は6件であった.成果の傾向は一様ではなく,今後,休日リハの日数や介入量,関連職種などの様々な要因を検討し,ランダム化比較試験などの質の高い研究を行う必要性が示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the practice conditions and outcomes of weekend rehabilitation, as well as its trends and challenges. Literature on weekend rehabilitation was searched using PubMed and ICHUSHI (a Japanese medical literature database). 20 articles were selected. There was no literature on the effects of occupational therapy. The number of facilities which performed weekend rehabilitation increased over time, and manpower shortage was found to be an issue for weekend rehabilitation. Of the experimental studies, three studies reported significant reductions in length of stay (LOS) by weekend rehabilitation, three studies reported that LOS was reduced in subgroups only, and six studies reported insignificant reductions in LOS of all groups. The results of the present study do not clearly affirm the effectiveness of weekend rehabilitation. These results point to a need for more high quality studies, especially randomized control trials that analyze weekend rehabilitation outcomes. This research should analyze the number of days of weekend rehabilitation, the amount of interventions and various professions factors.

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