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Purpose of this survey was to recommend inpatient rehabilitation strategies and effective rehabilitation systems by clarifying the effects of the 2008 revision of remuneration for medical services on the current acute rehabilitation system in hospitals.
We surveyed 25 Diagnosis Procedure Combinations (DPC) implemented acute hospitals. We investigated the amount of rehabilitation services provided per patient and rehabilitation system (365 days system, a ward based rehabilitation system, number of conferences etc) in August of 2008 and 2009.
The survey results showed that only 16.7% of the hospitals provided rehabilitation services 7 days a week, 20.8% of the hospitals were not proactively encouraging cooperation between nurses and therapists, and the productivity of therapists (total units/month) was low in 50% of the hospitals.
In order to establish an enriched acute rehabilitation system, more rehabilitation therapists, more communication between nurses and therapists, more disease specific rehabilitation and more rehabilitation time per patient are required in each facility.
Copyright © 2011, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.