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The purpose of this study was to examine the coordination between visual axis and upper extremity motion during eating among healthy people. Participating subjects were nine women 21-29 years old. Eating motions were recorded by two digital video cameras (DV320; Panasonic, Tokyo), and an eye mark recorder (EMR-8; NAC Image Technology Inc., Tokyo) to detect corneal reflections of infrared light. The eating task consisted of carrying a half spoonful of juice from a plate on a desk to the subjects' mouth. Visual axis patterns appeared in the following order: saccadic eye movement (SEM), visual fixation (VF), smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) and critical visual point (CVP) in all subjects. CVP was the spatial location at which visual axis was removed from the round tip of the spoon. First, eating motion started after SEM and VF. Next, the visual axis pattern changed to SEM from SPEM by the start of spoon manipulation in the horizontal plane. Subsequently, the visual axis was removed from the round tip of the spoon between the plate and subject's mouth. Finally, the spoon arrived at the subject's mouth without visual information. These results suggest that the role of eye-hand coordination during eating is the monitoring of smooth upper extremity motion and spoon manipulation, and that the CVP is the final spot.

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