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方法:研究デザインは後ろ向きコホート研究とした.対象は回復期リハビリテーション病棟入棟中に下肢装具を作製した脳卒中患者95名とした.調査項目は,基本属性,入棟時のBrunnstrom Recovery Stage,感覚障害の有無,半側空間無視の有無,入棟時と退院時のFunctional Independence Measureとした.メインアウトカムであるMDRPUの発生は,National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel分類ステージⅠ以上とした.統計解析では,MDRPUの発生あり群となし群に分けて群間比較を実施し,多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った.変数の選択には,尤度比検定による変数増加法を用いた.
Purpose:We investigated the factors associated with medical device-related pressure ulcer (MDRPU) due to lower extremity orthosis in patients undergoing convalescent rehabilitation for stroke.
Methods:This retrospective study included patients with stroke who wore ankle foot orthosis in the convalescent rehabilitation ward. We measured the following items at admission:Brunnstrom recovery stage, presence of sensory disturbance, exhibition of unilateral spatial neglect, functional independence measures at admission and discharge, and presence of MDRPU. In the statistical analysis, logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the significant factors associated with MDRPU.
Results:Ninety-five participants were enrolled in this study (mean age:54.9 ± 11.6 years, Male:78.9%). In logistic regression analysis, Age (odds ratio=1.05, 95% confidence interval=1.01-1.10, p<0.05) and the presence of sensory disturbance (odds ratio=5.17, 95% confidence interval=1.39-19.28, p<0.05) at admission was extracted as the cause of MDRPU.
Conclusion:Sensory disturbance at admission is associated with MDRPU in patients undergoing convalescent rehabilitation for stroke who wear ankle foot orthosis.

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