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血液透析患者における身体不活動は予後と関連するため,運動習慣の定着化を図るために,その要因を明らかにする必要がある.本研究は血液透析患者の運動習慣に関連する要因を明らかにするために,外来維持血液透析患者104名を対象に運動習慣を主要アウトカムとする横断研究を実施した.調査項目は,運動習慣(transtheoretical model:TTM),血液データ,セルフ・エフィカシー(self efficasy:SE),身体機能評価としてShort Physical Performance Batteryと握力,栄養指標,透析状況を透析期間,除水量,標準化透析量(Kt/V)とした.そしてTTMを従属変数として重回帰分析を行った結果,TTMに関連する要因としてSE,年齢,Kt/Vが抽出された(R2=0.34,p<0.05).運動習慣の獲得には,SEおよび透析条件を考慮する必要がある.
Hemodialysis patients need to acquire exercise habits because physical inactivity in hemodialysis patients is associated with increased mortality. However, factors associated with exercise habits in hemodialysis patients are unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors related to exercise habits in hemodialysis patients. We measured 104 hemodialysis patients' exercise habits (transtheoretical model:TTM), laboratory data, self-efficacy (SE), short physical performance battery and grip strength, nutritional index, dialysis vintage, fluid removal, and Kt/V. Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to assess the association of the aforementioned factors with TTM. As a result, in multiple linear regression analysis, SE, age, and Kt/V were associated with TTM (R2=0.34, p<0.05). hemodialysis patients may require mental support, such as SE and adequate dialysis dose, to acquire exercise habits.

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