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要旨 目的:尿意のない脳卒中患者の尿意再獲得に対する排尿誘導法の有効性を検討する.
方法:回復期リハビリテーション病棟に入院した脳卒中患者201例を対象とし,尿意再獲得に対する排尿誘導法の効果や機能的自立度評価法(Functional Independence Measure,以下FIM)の改善を後ろ向きに検討した.
Abstract Objective:To investigate the efficacy of micturition induction therapy (MIT) for recovery of urinary continence in stroke patients without uresiesthesia.
Methods:We retrospectively examined the efficacy of MIT for recovery of continence in stroke patients without uresiesthesia and assessed improvement in the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) score in 201 stroke patients admitted to our rehabilitation hospital.
Results:Of the 201 patients, 160 had uresiesthesia. The 41 patients without uresiesthesia were significantly older and had lower FIM scores on admission than those with uresiesthesia. Of 41 patients without uresiesthesia, 15 received MIT. There was no difference between the groups in terms of age or FIM scores on admission. Nine of 15 (60%) patients who received MIT recovered continence, whereas only 7 of 26 (26.7%) who did not receive MIT recovered continence. MIT was significantly effective for recovery of continence in patients without uresiesthesia (p<0.05). The gain in FIM scores was significantly higher in patients who recovered continence than in those who did not recover continence, irrespective of whether MIT was provided (p0.05).
Conclusion:MIT was effective for recovery of uresiesthesia and continence in patients without uresiesthesia after stroke.

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