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要旨:当院では,2年次臨床研修医に地域医療・保健教育の一環として,リハビリテーション(以下,リハ)科研修を行い,その学習法としてself-directed learning(SDL,自己主導型学習)を導入している.リハ科以外の専門医を志す研修医15名を,教師主導・講義型学習を行う講義群8名と学習者主導・実践型学習を行うSDL群7名に分け,彼らのリハ医療に対する理解度や興味の変化を比較検討した.SDL群では講義群と比して,リハ医学への理解度と興味は大きく上昇し,指導側・学習側共に時間の有効活用が可能であった.SDLは,学習者が自己の学習ニードに応じてきめ細かな学習ゴールを設定することが可能であり,既得知識や志望進路が様々な研修医にリハ科教育を行うには,非常に有用な方法であると考えられた.
Abstract : The aim of this study is to clarify which educational style, self-directed learning (SDL) or the traditional style of listening to lectures, is more effective in physiatry education for residents under the Japanese new residency program. Participants were 15 residents. Eight residents from the lecture group completed 7 lectures on the basics of physiatry (total 420 minutes). Seven residents from the SDL group chose their learning objective by themselves and we then facilitated their learning with 3 sessions (total 160 minutes). Outcomes, including their subjective understanding of physiatry and interest in it, were measured by a brief questionnaire. The SDL group showed more favorable development in understanding and more interest in physiatry than the lecture group. This result demonstrates that the individuality, flexibility and mutuality provided by SDL may encourage residents to learn physiatry more effectively.

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