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Lidcombe Program(以下,LP)は小児吃音への介入手法の一つである.近年,インターネットを用いたLP(以下,オンラインLP)を行う施設が増加している.本研究は保護者が感じるオンラインLPのメリットやデメリットを明らかにすることを目的とした.対面式LPとオンラインLPの両方を行った吃音児の保護者26名に無記名式アンケートを行い,22名の回答を得てテキストマイニングを用いた分析を行った.18名(81.8%)は今後もオンラインLPの継続を希望しており,オンラインLPに肯定的な回答が多かった.メリットとしては「移動時間」に関する記述が多く,デメリットとしては「訓練教材をお互いに触ることができないこと」が多かった.通信環境などを理由にして対面式を希望する者はいなかった.今後オンラインLPの普及のためには,通信環境の向上よりも画面を介した対話にいかに訓練対象児を引き付けるかが課題であると示唆された.
The Lidcombe Program (LP) is an intervention method for childhood stuttering. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of facilities offering LP via the Internet, hereinafter referred to as “Online LP”. The current study aimed to identify the advantages and disadvantages of Online LP as perceived by parents. We conducted an anonymous survey of 26 parents of children who had undergone both face-to-face and Online LP, and received 22 responses. Eighteen parents (81.8%) expressed a desire to continue with Online LP, and their responses were generally positive. Commonly cited advantages of Online LP included reduced travel time, while a frequently reported drawback was the inability for the participants to touch and physically interact with training materials. Among people who chose face-to-face LP, no-one said they had done so because of difficulties connecting to the Online LP. These results suggest that, for Online LP to become more widely used, the challenge lies in engaging the target children with screen-based materials rather than improving the Internet environment required to connect to Online LP.

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