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温度の検討では,premotor time,嚥下パフォーマンス指標,嚥下惹起指標,筋活動持続時間,喉頭挙上時間で有意差を認めなかった.味の検討では,premotor time以外の指標で,味覚溶液(特に塩味)は水に比し有意な延長を認めた.
In this study, we examined the effects of bolus temperature and taste on swallowing performance parameters by using the "swallowing kinematic measurement system," which measures the time of suprahyoid muscle activation and laryngeal elevation of swallowing reflex, and its evaluation indices. All the subjects were healthy individuals and were directed to swallow on command the samples placed in their mouth. The temperature of the samples were 5℃, 35℃,and 50℃ and the tastes included sour, sweet, salty, or no taste.
No significant differences were found for the temperature conditions in premotor time, swallowing performance index, swallowing provocation index, muscle activity duration, and laryngeal elevation time. On the other hand, in the taste examination, all the indices except premotor time were significantly longer in flavored liquids (especially salty taste) compared to pure water.
In this study, the range of temperature used did not affect the swallowing performance but the salty taste degraded the swallowing performance. Based on this result, it was concluded that the input from cerebrum more strongly affects the voluntary swallowing than the sensory input of temperature, but the sensory input of taste affects voluntary swallowing as well as swallowing performance.

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