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This paper presents the author's experience with providing speech-language treatment for a Chinese aphasic patient in Chinese language. The patient had 6 years of experience in Japan before onset. In the course, the patient required Chinese speech-language treatment. The primary therapist did not have a command of the Chinese language, but with the cooperation of the patient's family and translator, an attempt was made to provide treatment in Chinese. During the 2 months prior to the patient's return to China, Chinese versions of the aphasia tests and some teaching materials were developed by the treatment team and used for the assessment and therapy of the aphasia. As a result, the patient willingly participated in his treatment and showed significant recovery in his language. However, without the command of the patient's language, the therapist felt a number of limitations including:difficulty in symptom judgments, lack of therapy techniques, and lack of flexibility under unexpected circumstances. The non-standardized, translated Chinese aphasia tests were useful in screening and monitoring recovery, although they may not be adequate for a comprehensive assessment of Chinese aphasia.
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